Looking Back and Looking Ahead


Looking Back at 2017

Sitting here at my desk, contemplating this post, I’m finding it hard to believe another year has gone by. One year ago, I was knee-deep in editing Ashes Swept with the help of my CPs, Shannon and Ely. It had been a whole year since I’d set up my author page and social media sites, but the reality of calling myself an author felt a million miles away. Now, with 2017 behind me, it feels like my first launch day was ages ago.

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Random but handy…


It’s already been two weeks since the launch of my debut novel, Ashes Swept. Looking back, I can’t help but take stock of the entire process–what worked, what didn’t, and what to do another way next time. Here are five (totally random) things that I’ll definitely remember when I’m ready to do it again…

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Light at the End of the Tunnel?

I finished the fourth draft last week, and if all goes well, that should be my last revision. Now I’ve just got to send it back out to my team, make the necessary edits, and do a few polishing runs. I’m finally approaching the end of this tunnel!

The publication timeline is slowly coming into focus, but I don’t have a date yet. Part of that will depend on my cover artist. Hopefully I’ll have a better idea in the next month or so.

Now that I’m getting so close to the end, I’ve started looking ahead to book two. I’m really excited to get back into editing that one. It’s actually the first novel I wrote–way back in 2010. The story needs a lot of work. And, I realized, it’s another red-headed protagonist. Which, oops. I swear I only have two! =)